Video archive



Sections: Routes(1), Vehicles(1).


Filmed:11 Feb 2008
Posted:17 Feb 2008
By: Catalin Ghita
Trei secvente din si despre Ikarus-ul CL-01-NVX: doua secvente de pe traseu si intoarcerea in triunghi la capatul dela Roseti.
-> CL01NVX-InTraseu-01.MOV (15 sec - 7.2 MB);
-> CL01NVX-InTraseu-02.MOV (41 sec - 19.8 MB);
-> CL01NVX-IntoarcereInTriunghiLaRoseti.MOV (26 sec - 12.6 MB).


Filmed:11 Feb 2008
Posted:17 Feb 2008
By: Catalin Ghita
Trei vehicule oprind in statii - Ikarus-ul CL-01-NVC, autobuzul Turkkar CL-42-ALY si autobuzul Tuzeller CL-49-ALY.
-> CL01NVC-InStatiaXXL.MOV (12 sec - 5.7 MB);
-> CL42ALY-InStatiaXXL.MOV (6 sec - 3.1 MB);
-> CL49ALY-InStatieCentru.MOV (14 sec - 6.7 MB).

Important: In order to be able to see the movies you have to be a registered member of the Tram Club Romania forum. The titles of the movies are not translated into English; only the section headings are.

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